Find your mission, however humble

I can’t believe it myself

Wow! I can’t believe it’s been eight months since I posted anything here. Have I been so busy or just lazy? I have been battling exhaustion and sometimes I forget to top up my iron, So I went out at lunch-time to find a goodish iron supplement that won’t break the bank and bought it off the shelf. Normally, I would go to the pharmacy and only buy on good advice but I bought what I believe to be a good local brand of iron, including vitamin B and C.

I’ve been working non-stop through the duration of lockdown, first from home for two solid months then when it became too uncomfortable, asked if anyone was returning to the office. It turned out only one other person was in the same predicament and so the office remained off limits until 9 other people requested to return.

So out of 108 staff, 10 work from the office each in their own safe space with cleaning staff constantly disinfecting, all masked up and staying at arm’s length – at least. At lunch-time, we sit in the sun at appropriate distances away from each other and those who don’t feel too well to come to work have been advised to stay home until they feel 100%.

So, there’s been very little time to write, except weekends when I need to catch a breather and pay the dog some attention. Although I still wake up at 03h20 each morning, it is just too much effort to get up to write, especially since the heavy rain and freezing cold. Occasionally, I will throw something over my shoulders to stay warm, but it is not a habit anymore.

I did manage to update some covers on Amazon, but still not fully satisfied as it is apparently very important to many readers to make an effort to provide a cover that is reasonably attractive. I, personally, don’t care what a cover looks like, having read coverless books retrieved out of dust bins and pulled apart, only to find the book not as interesting as one would expect of a book without a cover. Covers often over-promise or are completely unrelated to the story within.

My favourite self-written book is titled Come Over and the cover bears an image of a cracked window, although the break-in didn’t happen via a window. It is symbolic of a break-in and promises a murder mystery, suspense, heart-ache and a family secret. In addition, it is not a heavy read but takes the reader on a journey beyond this life to find answers. So a little paranormal will interest the reader who seeks answers about life after death.

Hope you catch a peek as it is on promotion currently.

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